Urban Smashdown: Pickleball Showdown
Our Young Leaders Group (YLG) – Urban Smashdown: Pickleball Showdown is an energizing event dedicated to raising funds for ULI Tampa Bay – YLG scholarships. These scholarships will cover ULI Tampa Bay YLG Mentorship Program Dues, attendance to YLG Exchanges, and attendance to ULI Spring & Fall Meetings.
2024 ULI Tampa Bay YLG Inaugural Urban Smashdown: Pickleball Showdown Event Recap:
With 24 teams competiting for the 4ft, inaugural, golden Urban Smashdown: Pickleball Showdown trophy, there were sweat, winces, smiles, and cheers! It was an incredible turnout with nearly 100 of the leading urban land use professionals. We also sold out of our sponsorships for the event! We raised about $21,000 in funds for ULI Tampa Bay’s Young Leaders Group (YLG) scholarships. These scholarships will cover ULI Tampa Bay YLG Mentorship Program Dues, attendance to YLG Exchanges, attendance to ULI Spring & Fall Meetings and other ULI events and programs.
First Place Champions: Team Domination from Franklin Street
Second Place: Pickle Juice Inc. from Pro-Ject International
Third Place: PickleMoss Pros from Moss Construction